Alicia Penalba (1913-1982)


Ancêtre papillon




82 x 30 x 26 cm

Edition of 6 + 1 E/A

Valsuani Foundry, Paris


Alicia Penalba, Malba, Buenos Aires, Argentina, cat. n° 8A


This bronze sculpture was conceived by Alicia Penalba in 1955 and cast in an edition of 6 + 1 E/A by Valsuani Foundry, Paris.

This interesting sculpture with the title Butterfly Ancestors looks like a chrysalis about to pupate into an adult butterfly. The title "Ancêtre papillon" (translated as "Butterfly Ancestor") suggests a fusion of two contrasting concepts: "ancestor" and "butterfly." This combination likely carries symbolic and metaphorical significance. The term "ancestor" typically refers to a person from whom one is descended. In the context of art and culture, ancestral figures often hold symbolic importance, representing heritage, tradition, and historical continuity. The butterfly is a powerful symbol of transformation, change, and rebirth. The butterfly's life cycle, from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly, has been used as a metaphor for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and the cyclical nature of life. This sculpture could potentially depict an artistic representation of these intertwined themes. The artwork might explore the connection between ancestry and transformation, suggesting that the past holds the seeds of change and renewal. The butterfly could represent the transformative journey that each generation takes, drawing from the wisdom and experiences of their ancestors. The deeper insight into the intended meaning and symbolism of this artwork will remain a mystery.


Centre Pompidou, Paris, france


More Alicia Penalba sculptures